Learn RS New Skill Archaeology and Gain Rewards with 7% off RSorder RS 3 Gold

When RS new skill Archaeology comes, there will be some new Invention tools as rewards gained from Archaeology skill. Here you could learn some information on RS ancient gizmo, kinetic dynamo and more.

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RS new skill Archaeology released in 2020
Archaeology is a new skill planned to be released in 2020, which will be available up to level 20 for f2p players. It will have a maximum level of 120 with a normal XP curve.
An elite skilling outfit for Archaeology skill is planned, which will be obtainable through a new currency called Chronotes.
Ancient Invention released with RS Archaeology
You will be able to find the ancient technology and blueprints of a Da Vinci-like character when training RS Archaeology skill. New Invention tools can be created through the disassembly of Archaeology's materials and artefacts.
There will be the weapon, tool and armour variants allowing the creation of new perks. RS ancient gizmo will have 9 slots, which allows you to experiment further to find new perk ranks and combinations. The XP capacitor will act like bonus XP for Invention items. You can fill the XP capacitor when you are training with augmented items. RS kinetic dynamo will allow you to charge it up when running around or surging. Once it is filled, the kinetic dynamo can offer divine charge until it breaks.
Hope now you know more about RS new skill.

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