Get RS Huge Prismatic Star & More with Free RSorder Runescape 3 Gold

Here comes the good news that RS Vic the Trader has come back once again in March. It dedicates that you can get hold of your favorite prismatic fallen star, starfire weapon, starfire armour and other outfits in Vic's Store now.

RSorder Spring Flash Sale is Coming! Happy to enjoy totally 200M OSRS gold & 1000M RS gold for FREE on RSorder at 3:00 AM GMT on Mar. 9, 2020!

RS Vic the Trader coming back until Mar. 15
It has been confirmed that RS Vic the Trader has returned to Burthorpe today and will be sticking around until Mar. 15. Vic the Trader runs his Vic's Store again and you can exchange your unwanted Bonus XP for elite skill outfits, lamps, stars, and other goods you want from now on.
Buy RS huge prismatic star & others from Vic the Trader
Before the end of Mar. 15, you can come to Vic's Store in Burthorpe and then talk to Vic the Trader to claim your items you like by turning in your Bonus XP. Here is the list of the goods you can get from RS Vic the Trader:
- Prismatic fallen star (small, medium, large)
- Prismatic lamp (small, medium, large, huge)
- Starfire weapon
- Starfire armour
- Exquisite weapon
- Slayer mask
- Protean pack (small, medium, large)
- Shaman's outfit
- Burnt shark outfit
- Divination energy/chronicle/memory outfit
- Keldagrim/Prifddinas/Desert camouflage outfit
Beyond of these goods, you can also use your Bonus XP to get more special outfits, skill outfits and other items from Vic the Trader.
Say hi to RS Vic the Trader and claim your favorite items now.

Besides, 5% off code "RSYK5" is also offered for Runescape 3 Gold / Osrs gold and all other products. Buy from at anytime.
