RS Pirate's Treasure Quest Guide with 6% Off RS3 Gold on RSorder

RS Pirate's Treasure is a free-to-play quest requiring you to get some Karamjan rum for Redbeard Frank. In return, you'll be told the location of One-Eyed Hector's treasure chest. You can follow the fast walkthrough to complete this quest.

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Fast walkthrough of RS Pirate's Treasure quest
1. Speak to Redbeard Frank outside The Rusty Anchor pub in Port Sarim.
2. Go down south on the docks and pay 30 coins to either Captain Tobias, Seaman Lorris or Seaman Thresnor to go to Karamja.
3. Walk west towards the bar on Karamja and buy one karamjan rum for 30 coins from the bartender.
4. Don't leave the island.
5. Go back east towards the pier and go to the small house in the northeast of the pub. Talk to Luthas.
6. Head west past the bar and then north into the banana plantation. Get 10 bananas by clicking on the banana trees.
7. Return to Luthas' house. Use your rum with the crate on the right side of the house's entrance. Then right click on the crate and choose "Fill Crate" to hide the rum with the bananas. Finally, talk to Luthas for payment.
8. Come back to Port Sarim via the lodestone or the boat.
9. Put on white apron and enter Wydin's Food Store south of the lodestone.
10. Attempt to open the door in the back and take the job.
11. Search the crate with the banana on it.
12. Come back to Redbeard Frank with the rum.
13. Enter Blue Moon Inn north of the Varrock lodestone and go up the stairs.
14. Open a chest in the southwest room.
15. Go to Falador Park and stand east of the yellow flower patch.
16. Right click the pirate message and kill the gardener.
17. Right click the message again for One-Eyed Hector's treasure chest.
Rewards for RS Pirate's Treasure
Upon the completion of Pirate's Treasure, you will be able to get:
2 quest points
A casket containing 450 coins, an emerald and a gold ring
Ability to use the payfare option to go to and from Karamja
Work for Luthas by filling the export crates with bananas, with 30 coins for every crate you fill.
2 Treasure Hunter keys and 2 Hearts of Ice
Hope this guide can help you a lot during RS Pirate's Treasure quest.

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