Learn Details of New OSRS Death Mechanics with $10 Off RS 07 Gold on RSorder

New Death Mechanics OSRS has been released in June 2020. Here you could learn details of PvM Death, OSRS Death Office and other new contents.

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OSRS Death Mechanics: PvM Death
If you die outside of PvP, your three most valuable items will remain in the inventory when you respawn. Other items will be dropped in the location which will be marked with a Gravestone. You can return to the Gravestone to get your items back; however, you only have 15 minutes to collect your stuff. There will be a timer on-screen showing how long the Gravestone will remain accessible.
Most valuable items will cost you if you want to get them back. Fees will be 100,000 GP for items worth 10 million GP. Check the Items Kept on Death screen if you want to learn what you’re risking and what Gravestone fees to expect.
Information on OSRS Death Office
Your items will be taken to OSRS Death Office if you don’t get back to your Gravestone in time. An entrance to Death’s Office can be found near all the major respawn points. You can find one in Lumbridge Graveyard, one in the coffin room in Edgeville and another one under the White Knights’ Castle in Falador, which can be accessed via the new crypt. Items valued at under 100,000 GP are returned for free, but anything more will cost you 5% of its current Grand Exchange value.
With the new Death Mechanics OSRS, you will be taken to Death’s Office and get a Gravestone the first time you die. You will learn the basic mechanics here and be set loose before the 15 minute timer starts.
What do you think about this new OSRS Death Mechanics?

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